Advanced training, master classes

Professional development and training

Programs of postgraduate professional development

1. Transesophageal echocardiography (for doctors of ultrasound diagnostics, doctors of functional diagnostics, cardiologists, radiologists, cardiosurgeons, doctors of intensive care).

2. Prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases. Arterial hypertension (for cardiologists, therapists, general practitioners).

3. Cardiologic rehabilitation (for cardiologists, rehabilitologists).

4. Treatment of arrhythmias of heart (for cardiologists, therapists, general practitioners, X-ray-endovascular surgeons).

5. An intensive care and anesthesiology providing in a heart surgery (for anesthetists, intensive-care doctors).

6. Chronic coronary heart disease. New ischemic syndromes (for cardiologists, therapists, general practitioners).

7. Radiological methods of diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases (for radiotherapists, cardiosurgeons, cardiologists, doctors of ultrasound diagnostics, X-ray-endovascular surgeons).

8. Diagnostics and treatment of a thromboembolism of a pulmonary artery. Primary pulmonary hypertensia (for cardiologists, therapists, intensive-care doctors, general practitioners).

9. Extracorporal methods of support of a circulation (for anesthesiologists, intensive-care doctors).

10. Modern approaches to diagnostics and treatment of a chronic heart failure (for cardiologists, general practitioners, therapists, rehabilitologists).

11. Evaluation and programming of the implanted cardiological devices (for doctors of functional diagnostics, cardiologists, therapists).

 Programs of postgraduate training

1. Radiological methods of researches
Computer tomography and Magnetic resonance imaging of all anatomic localizations with use of modern diagnostic algorithms and an expanded package of visualization of cardiovascular system.

2. Functional methods of diagnostics in cardiology

  • Interpretation of daily monitoring of the ECG, interpretation of daily monitoring of arterial blood pressure;
  • Carrying out and the analysis of an ergospirometriya;
  • Electrophysiological research of heart work;
  • Programmation of electropacemakers;
  • Diagnostics night apny.

3. Ultrasonic methods of cardiovascular diseases

  • Transesophageal echocardiography;
  • Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography;
  • Duplex research of vessels of various localization.

4. Endovascular methods of treatment in a cardiology

  • A training of "Use of the long covered stents as an alternative to multiple stenting" (for cardiovascular surgeons);
  • A training "The newest technologies of the endovascular help" (demonstration of intervention programs of Philips, ClarityIQ technologies, technologies in an angiography of Azirion, radiative safety);
  • A microwave ablation in treatment of Atrial Fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia;
  • Myocardial implantation of pacemaker;
  • Implantation of the resynchronizing devices at a heart failure, refractory to drug therapy.

5. Diagnostics and treatment of heart arrhythmias

  • Pharmacotherapy of arrhythmias. Preparation and carrying out the cardioversion at patients with fibrillation and trembling of heart auricles;
  • Maintaining patients with the implanted electropacemakers. Ablation of supraventricular and ventricular heart arhythmias;
  • Surgical methods of treatment of heart arhythmias and conductivity. The resynchronizing therapy. The implanted kardioverter defibrillators.

6. Evaluation of the work and programming of the implanted devices

  • Programming, operating modes of the implanted devices – single-chamber, two-chamber electropacemakers, disorders in their work;
  • Programming of the implanted devices –kardioverter - defibrillators, functions of a kardiovertersiya / defibrillations, the stimulation modes after drawing electric discharge;
  • Features of programming of СRT devices, ensuring efficiency of СRT-therapy. Performance of functional researches at patients with the implanted devices.

7. Anesthesiology maintenance of cardiac operations:

  • Total intravenous multicomponent anesthesia, including with use of a laryngeal mask;
  • An endotracheal narcosis with muscle relaxation and the pulmonary ventilation;
  • Epidural anesthesia – single-step and prolonged with catheterization of an epidural space;
  • Spinal anesthesia;
  • Juxtaspinal anesthesia - single-step and prolonged with catheterization of juxtaspinal space;
  • The combined anesthesia (epidural plus an endotracheal narcosis, juxtaspinal plus an endotracheal narcosis, spinal plus epidural anesthesia).

8. Surgery of the valve device of heart and aortocoronary shunting without artificial blood circulation

  • Aortocoronary shunting on the working heart;
  • Reimplantation of the aortal valve according to David;
  • Implantations the cryokept allograft in an aortal position;
  • OZAKI procedures;
  • Plasticity of the mitral valve through a minitorakotomiya on the right.

9. Extracorporal methods of support of a circulation

  • Protection of a myocardium at operations in the conditions of artificial blood circulation. Pharmako-cold cardioplegia. Bloody cardioplegia;
  • An artificial circulation at a thoracal aorta operations. Protection of a brain, parenchymatous organs;
  • Replacement renal therapy in time and after cardiac operations;
  • Intra aortal balloon counterpulsation. Principles, indications and contraindications. Regimens;
  • EKMO (extracorporal membranous oxygenation).

10. Orthotopical heart transplantation

  • Indications to transplantation of heart, a complex of examination;
  • The pharmacological and mechanical bridge to transplantation. Stages of screening of the donor, criteria of compatibility of the donor and recipient;
  • a classical technique of transplantation of heart on N.Shumway. Questions of transplantation of a complex heart – lungs;
  • Maintaining patients after transplantation of heart.

11. Cardiological rehabilitation

  • Programs of stationary cardiological rehabilitation of patients after operations of CABG;
  • Programs of hospital cardiological rehabilitation of patients after PCI at persons with myocardial infarction and chronic CAD, prosthetics of the ascending aorta, an arch, the descending aorta, abdominal part of an aorta (separately and in combination with CABG);
  • Programs of rehabilitation after prosthetics and\or plasticity of the mitral and\or aortal valve, and\or the three-leaved valve at a chronic rheumatic heart desease, atherosclerotic heart diseases, at pathology of valves at an infectious endocarditis, at a miksomal degeneration of valves.